Mental Health: 5 Ways to Support Expat Employees

Being provided with the opportunity to work abroad on a placement or to emigrate for many employees is a huge opportunity. The chanage can be exciting however it can also be challgenging. Research shows that 1 in 5 expat employees (20%) have experienced mental health issues whilst working internationally.

The needs to support expat employee mental health is so important especially as global business is always changing and can affect family circumstances, the workplace environment as well as living in a new country.

Below are 5 ways to be able to support your employees mental health whilst they are working abroad:-

  1. Ensure that you have a health and wellbeing strategy in place – make mental health part of the conversation and ensure employees know what employee benefits are available to them and how to utilist them bes.
  2. Regularly promote your employee benefits package to your expatraite employees and their families
  3. Inclusivity – regardless of seniority ensure that everyone has access to wellbeing and mental health support
  4. Preventative support – 50% of employees said that their employer only offers support in a crisis, before an employee goes to work abroad provide them and their families with information about everything, from the host countries culture to the job role.
  5. Utilist technology – from staying in contact with family and friends back home to enabling expats to have both professional and medical appointments online. Providing an online employee benefits serivce to expats can help employee wellbeing.

If you have employees working abroad and are looking to put in place an employee benefits package to support them or you would like your current benefits reviewed then speak to a knowledgeable member of the BDGlobal Medical international team on 01892 891900.